Daddy Dearest, Artist Unseen

My father is quite the profound artist. I mean really. When I was much younger, I must say I had quite a skewed, uneducatedly biased opinion about art. Because of his ubiquitous talent and his absolute adroitness, I could never appreciate things like a peaceful color field painting, or a wildly alive Pollock masterpiece, or even the simplest of the cubisms. All that’s changed now, since I’ve opened my little eyeballs to the art world. But this man is incredible and has inspired me in some many different wonderful ways. He’s a nut, a goofball, and an aesthetic genius. He paints with such serenity, such ease. It’s like a meditation, a quiet lullaby to watch him paint, no matter how teeming with energy the painting may be.  Unlike many artists, he doesn’t paint because of an urgency, a thrill, an insatiable desire to do so. He just likes it. Our house has become our own personal gallery. Our shrine to his holy master Bob Johnson. I don’t know how we could ever dismantle it, if it ever came to that. This man is quite the paragon if you ask me. Now he just needs to get the art out of the house and into a gallery, into a book, onto a website, anything. So here is my ode to my father, his first publication, a little bit of fame…. HERE YA GO DAD! YOU’RE FAMOUS!!!!

~ by Hedgy on February 5, 2010.

One Response to “Daddy Dearest, Artist Unseen”

  1. I’m happy to hear your eyes are open to the world of art and that you give thanks to your dad for some small part in all that. My daughter Zoe, 8, is something of an artist and has been featured in the public library. I’m hoping I can be of some inspiration to her as well.


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